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Do you require assistance in preparing your article for submission to a journal? Royallite Global provides a comprehensive variety of pre-submission manuscript preparation services to assist you in maximizing the impact of your research and enhance the quality of your publication. English language editing, translation with editing, manuscript formatting, plagiarism check, and technical evaluation are among the services we offer. We will clean up your manuscript so that you may focus on your research.
Let's help you publish your research
Language Editing
Our English language editing services let you focus on what you do best-research. We review your manuscript to ensure the language you've used makes sense and is clear, and check for spelling, grammar, syntax, tense and sentence structure.
Language EditingScientific Editing
Our scientific editing service is designed to offer you an in-depth critique of your research, significantly improve the readability, and help you ensure your journal submission meets the high standards of academic publishing.
Scientific Editing ServicesTranslation
We help you overcome any language barriers by translating your article to English and editing it thoroughly, so that you can submit it to an English-Journal with confidence
Translation with EditingFormatting
We make sure that your manuscript complies with your target journal's instructions for Authors. We use the utmost care to adhere to styles like APA, MLA, ACS and AMA
Manuscript FormattingSimilarity Review
We use Turn it in to check for accidental plagiarism. Your report will highlight problematic sections and include expert comments about how these may affect evaluation of your work.
Plagiarism CheckerRapid Review
An experienced reviewer panel could help you to eliminate most major reasons for manuscript rejection before submission. Get comprehensive comments that will help you revise your document and still meet publication deadlines.
Rapid Technical ReviewWhy Choose Us

Quality Assurance
You can count on us for excellence, expertise, and responsiveness in all our services.If we don't deliver, we will not charge you, no questions asked.

Subject Specialists
Our unique editor-selection algorithm ensures that your article is assigned to highly qualified specialists with expertise in your subject; all our native English-speaking editors hold a PhD or Master's degree.

Delivery Guarantee
We guarantee that all assignments will be delivered on time. We will waive the full fee for any assignment that is delayed due to an error on our part

Our privacy policy ensures confidentiality and allows researchers worldwide to submit their work to us with complete confidence.